Sunday, May 11, 2014


Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and what not? What are these, social networking websites? I mean, for a not-very-social person like me, and hundreds like me, what could it be? What is it really for all people who use it? I would like to add a usage to it other than Social Networking, it is an escape from reality. It is our keeping-busy mode, when you don't have anything to do - or you do but don't want to do it. Now what am I so frustrated about, really?

Being out of reality.

As humans, knowing good from bad, is called sixth sense. All of us have it (I think). As a kid, you know something is wrong, you refrain from doing it, just somehow you "know" it could get you into trouble. Like not wanting to go with a stranger even the one who has a chocolate to give you. You can say that they are the things that elders teach you, and kids just pick up pattern of behaviour to apply them to make logical decisions like - to go with a stranger - or not. 

But really, "that" feeling, that just to "know" it isn't right, without someone telling? Even as adults, not to take a route, avoiding a person/situation,  I'm sure you would have felt it. That's how I felt this morning. Out of reality. My keeping-busy modes just dint work this morning, as my thoughts were louder. A friend wanted to know (kept wanting to know), if she was on the right track with life. I felt, why this question when everything just "seems" to be okay. Just when I was by invisible force into that position, I knew what she meant. If Universe just isn't a bunch of planets & stars to you, you will understand what I now say, when I say, I just stumbled upon a great article on a website, on this very day, this trying to getting-in-touch-with-Life day. A conversation the great painter Picasso has with a famous photographer. To make things simple, I quote, (or he does), 

"When you have something to say, to express, any submission becomes unbearable in the long run. One must have the courage of one's vocation and the courage to make a living from one's vocation. The "second career" is an illusion! I was often broke too, and I always resisted any temptation to live any other way than from my painting... In the beginning, I did not sell at a high price, but I sold. My drawings, my canvasses went. that's what counts"

This was a beautiful read, and before I went on to read something else, it hit me, its not just the courage to pursue what you want, but the willingness to first accept what you really need to do with life. Looking at success stories of various people, most of them value success to money, social status etc. or really, does it come to them, to those who willingly accept what they need to do with life. I say, need, rather than want. As needs are quite stubborn, compared to wants. It is a need that keeps you awake at night, "that" feeling that something isn't right in life, you could do more of what you do or do something different. I think my ranting is has about boiled down to everything I wanted to say.

Be willing for reality, be willing to hear your inner voice, that's it. And Log off. :)